Love Zone

She was sitting there. in the
front row of the classroom..
She was the hyperactive
chatty gal that I would love
to loathe...
At first sight, there was
simply nothing
extraordinary about her. I
was annoyed at her
seemingly uncontrollable
mischievous personality.
But then again, I looked
beyond that and recognized
her warm and mature
personality... And that her
large brown eyes
enthralled me....Captivating
me with her sweet and
jovial smile...
I fell in love with her........
There was only one thing I
can... and must... do... I gotta
let her know how I feel.. I
did, and that's the start of
a wonderful, forever
lasting love... or at least
that's what I thought.
Those were the happiest
times of my life. I would call
her numerous times a
day..... Life for me was
heavenly. I had always
dreamt of loving my other
significant half to the max,
even when I was a young
child. This was a dream
come true for me. She was
almost the perfect girl I had
dreamt about before. She
loved me as much as I love
her (I still do...). I would
embrace her tightly to feel
her warmth and kiss softly
on her forehead. I long to
be with her forever. Words
alone could not describe
the blissful times I had with
her. Her distinctive voice
would just banish my blues
away. We never squabbled
before. Life is truly a
heaven to experience such
a true love. For me, true
love is always 0.1% lust,
0.9% attraction and 99.0%
appreciation. I had always
appreciated her and so did
Those times went on for 2
years. But then, the
inevitable happened. She
became aloof,
unresponsive and her
cheerful disposition had
diminished. "What happened
to her"? I asked
myself...Gradually, she
lessen her phone calls to
me. I tried coaxing her to
talk to me but to no avail.
Then, after weeks of
coaxing, she finally told me
that she had changed (she
didn't know why, it just
came all of a sudden). She
told me that our characters
do not match and sad to
say that we should not
continue the relationship.
She implied that I'm a
person who does not care
much about the world
around me (which is quite
true as I don't trust friends
and I'm quite a loner) She
also said that there are
small little things that also
add up to her unhappiness.
I was devastated... I didn't
know that she felt that way
all this time... Well, I knew
about my weaknesses but I
thought that she accepted
them. I cried and pleaded
her to stay on with me but
to no avail as it was only
the most sensible thing for
a matured person (such as
herself) to do. She said that
its better for us to
separate rather than go
deeper into an unhappy
relationship than is doomed
to failure (which is, sad to
say, true). I am still in a
deep depressed state. Its
been 4 months since she
broke up with me...
How I hope to be with her
again. Its actually not her
fault. She was doing the
only sensible thing (to
break up before we go any
deeper). Sometimes, I feel
like life's fragile.....
A beautiful thing like love
can be ended abruptly
Feels like a precious thing
had been taken away from
Just like a beautiful rose
that withered away...
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